Friday, January 24, 2014

My areas of focus for 2014

January is almost over and I've had some time to settle into the new year and think about how I'd like for it to evolve. Instead of making a ginormous list of resolutions or goals, I've just been thinking about large umbrella ideas that I could try to keep my focus on throughout the year.  These areas of focus will not have specific outcomes because I tend to do one of two things when I have a specific outcome in mind: a) I overshoot and make it impossible to achieve, or b) I don't achieve it and beat myself up. So, I will pay attention to the process this year, being mindful of the things I can do daily, weekly, monthly to move in a more intentional direction.

So without further ado, here are my areas of focus for 2014:

1. My marriage. 

Our marriage is in the best shape it's ever been, but I feel like we've been lucky in getting here. Sometimes I feel as though we're kind of coasting along, enjoying the ride. I want to cultivate a thriving marriage, not just a good one. We need to have more date nights, date days, and date weekends. And I'd like for us to do more than go to a movie. We live in Japan! Surely there's some exploring we could do together.

I'd also like to read Gary Chapman's "The 5 Love Languages," as well as John Gottman's "The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work." I've heard a lot about these books, but never picked them up. So this year, they're on my list.

2. Self-care.

I'm turning 29 in May. And though I've still got another year until I hit the big 3-0, I have noticed my body changing a bit. It's becoming easier to put on a few pounds, and more difficult to get them back off. And I'm terrible at taking care of myself, really. I don't take off my makeup every night, don't use sunscreen or moisturizer every day, and am more out of shape than I've ever been in my life. Those things have got to change.

I'd like to work on creating better self-care habits this year - more exercise, better skincare, healthier eating. And I am also including things like "time to read," and "quiet-before-everyone-else-gets-up morning time." I don't want to just care for my body, but also my soul.

3. Writing & Blogging.

See that "" up there on my address? I'm tempted to get rid of it. I'm also tempted to switch to Wordpress. Blogging has been so enjoyable to me, and I'd like to put a little more work into it this year. I want to educate myself more about the internet, blogging, social media, and writing.

4. A Mindful Lifestyle.

There are so many things to be mindful of! Money - where we're spending it, how we could save more, and how to budget. Homeschooling - our priorities, a well-working routine and schedule, the clues from our children about how and what they want to learn. Relationships - with each other, friends, and family. Spirituality - enough said.

If I tried to list each and every idea I have for improving these areas of focus, this list would be waaaaay too long. So I'm keeping it simple. I'm going to hang these areas of focus somewhere that will be visible to me almost every day so that I can be reminded about where I want to be headed this year.

What are your goals, resolutions, or areas of focus this year? 

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